The Consider Shipment Delayed event is triggered in Klaviyo each day for shipments with the status In Transit or Transit limit exceeded. TrackMage extracts the days in transit from tracking data, and they can be visible on the Shipment Details page when applicable.
It helps mitigate WISMO inquiries by notifying customers when a parcel is in transit longer than expected for a specific carrier. To enable TrackMage to send this event to Klaviyo, you must first set up the Preferred carrier and specify the number of days for that carrier.
Follow these steps:
1. While logged in, navigate to the Workspaces menu and access its settings by clicking the gear icon in the Workspaces dropdown menu. Then, proceed to the Carriers tab.
2. In the Carriers tab, locate the preferred list and click on Not Set in the Consider Shipment Delayed After Not Set Days In Transit section next to the specific carrier. Enter the desired number of days and click Save to confirm.
Please note that the preferred carriers and number of days provided are for demonstration purposes only and may not reflect actual situations.
You can adjust the number of days at any time by clicking on the underlined digits. To deactivate the trigger, enter 0 days in the Specify the number of days in transit that should be considered a delay for the [carrier name] window and confirm.
3. To utilize the event in Klaviyo, access your Klaviyo account. Navigate to Flows in the side menu and click on Create Flows -> Create from Scratch in the upper right corner. Assign a name to the flow and proceed to create it. In the Flow Builder, select Your Metrics from the right menu and choose Klaviyo Prod from the list. Locate TrackMage - Consider Shipment Delayed in the list of metrics, click on it, and save this trigger. Then, continue to create the flow by choosing the email template and adding actions.
Feel free to add any other triggers, flow filters, actions, or logic as needed. This serves as an example of the easiest usage.
Please keep in mind that for TrackMage to send the event to Klaviyo, the order or shipment must have an email address assigned. This ensures that customers can receive updates through emails.