How to Add Social Media Icons to a Tracking Page

If you would like your customers to interact with you on social media, there has to be an easy way for them to find your social media handles. 

In TrackMage, you can embed links that point back to your social media handles right in your tracking pages. 

To do so, here are the steps to follow

Step 1

Start by clicking the Tracking Pages button. Select the page you'd like to work with and click the Edit icon on it. 

Step 2

Click the Visual Builder button. This will take you to the visual builder page.

Step 3

Navigate to Header >> Social Icons

If you noticed, Facebook and Twitter icons have been added already, only that have dummy links. To replace the dummy links with real links, click the edit icon. 

Copy the links to, for instance,  your Facebook page and paste it into the Web Address field. 

Click the Save button.

To add more social media icons to your page, click the Add New Link button. 

From the Add Social Link popup box, select the social media icon you'd like to add. In this case, we went for Instagram. There are over a dozen icons to select from.

Copy the URL to the page and paste it into the Web Address field. Finally, click Add New button, and you are done!

Save changes and preview the page. You will notice that the Instagram icon has been added.

Follow the same steps to add other social media icons to the page.

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