Managing Permissions - How to Make Sure every Team Member has the Right Access

TrackMage offers four levels of permission to users: Team Admin, Workspace Admin, Read User, and Write User. See Understanding Permissions for the different permissions available to each role.

By default, a team and workspace were automatically created for you when you signed up on TrackMage. However, you can create more teams or workspaces as needed. If you need more teams or workspaces, see how to create a team and workspace

Grant User Access to a Workspace

While a team admin can grant a user read, write or workspace admin access to one or more workspaces, a workspace admin can only grant a user read or write access to their workspace.

  1. On your TrackMage Dashboard, click the avatar icon at the top-right corner of the page and select Manage Teams.

  2. Select your desired team and click the Workspace Permissions tab.

  1. In the Users field, type in the email address of the user you wish to add. In the Permission field, select the role you want to assign to the user. 

  2. Select the desired workspace you want to add the user to. You can add a user to multiple workspaces at once.

  1. When you are done, click Apply.

  2. On the confirmation box, you can change the user’s role for each workspace or delete a user’s access to a workspace.

  1. Click Confirm to apply the changes.

  2. An invite will be sent to the newly added user. Upon clicking the Register Now button, the user will be prompted to sign up for an account on TrackMage. After that, they will have access to the assigned workspace. 

Revoke User Access

  1. On your TrackMage Dashboard, click the avatar icon at the top-right corner of the page and select Manage Teams.

  2. Select your desired team and click the Users tab.

  3. Locate the user you want to revoke their access and click the three-dot icon next to the user’s name. From the dropdown, select Remove User.

  4. On the popup box, click Yes, Delete.

Change User Role to Team Admin

  1. On your TrackMage Dashboard, click the avatar icon at the top-right corner of the page and select Manage Teams.

  2. Select your desired team and click the Users tab.

  3. Locate the user you want to change their role and click the three-dot icon next to the user’s name. From the dropdown, select Grant Team Admin Access.

  1. On the popup box, click Grant Access.

  2. To revoke the Team Admin access, repeat the steps above and click Revoke Team Admin Access.

Change User Role  

The team admin and workspace admin can change user roles in the team. For example, you can change the role of a user from "read" to "write" and even to "admin" (team or workspace). However, the team admin must contact the TrackMage support team to transfer team ownership to a workspace admin.

To change a user’s role,  

  1. From your TrackMage dashboard, click the avatar icon at the top right corner of the page and select Manage Teams.

  2. Select your desired team and click the Users tab.

  3. Locate the user you want to change their role and click the three-dots icon next to the user’s name. Then select Workspace Permissions from the dropdown list.

  1. As the workspace admin, you can change a user role in your assigned workspace on the popup box. A team admin can change a user’s role across multiple workspaces that they belong. You can also add the user to a new workspace and assign a role when you click the Add New button.

  1. When you are done, the system will automatically save your changes.

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